There's nothing less exciting for me than being out in the field. Even worse, is being the guy in charge of a Detachment of seventy-six Marines and one Navy Corpsman. It's not having to ensure that all those within my charge are provided life support (billeting, chow, port-a-jons, showers, water, etc.) that's the easy part. It's the misery brought on by the heat, flys, the civilian contractors inability to service the port-a-jons in a reasonable time and having to walk a mile just to brush your teeth.
Here's my life in a not so Mint Chocolate Ranch...
Here comes the rain
Our tents just offloaded from the 7-Ton. Gotta put 'em up before that rain reaches us
It takes a lot of peoplepower to put up our billeting (GP) tents
Don't let this rainbow fool you - the heavy rain has yet to come
that what's at the other end?
Taking advantage of down time in our luxurious accomodations
More to follow... (as long as my iPhone doesn't keel over)
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