Monday, August 27, 2012


Well, it's promotion season again and the FY13 Sergeant Major / Master Gunnery Sergeant selection message was published just the other day.  Due to the infamous "Drawdown" of the Marine Corps total force structure  (this normally occures after major combat engagements), my military occupational specialty has allocated 14 spaces for Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9) - this number may fluctuate as we near October.  This is good news as the past few years have only offered three or four spaces.  Moreover, I learned that I am in the "Below Zone" for promotion.  This means that I am eligible;  I've been promoted a few ranks while in the below zone, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

The board of personnel charged with promoting the most qualified Master Sergeants convenes in October and this daunting task will take them into December.  A big part of the selection process is providing an updated photo to the board.  This is where they scrutinize everything from an individual's weight, proper wear of ribbons, tattoos, uniform fit and whatever else they decide to zoom in on.

The photo must be taken within a year from the current selection board and I happened to take mine last week.  I don't think I'll have any issues, so it boils down to how competitive I am on paper.

Semper Fidelis!

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